I had a great weekend!
I had the immense pleasure of introducing card-making to a fabulous group of educators!
Last fall, I was approached by the K12 Alliance to be their "Saturday night speaker" at their annual staff developer training. (This is the grant-funded program I'm proud to be a part of where we work alongside math and science teachers, bringing best-teaching practices to classroom across California). I immediately jumped at the opportunity! The team of teachers and administrators who participate in the program work so hard all day on leadership practices, pedagogy, and unit design - an action packed day leading to inevitable brain exhaustion. To help everyone recoup, the coordinators schedule something different on Saturday evening - something to hopefully help everyone recharge their battery. Boy - were they in for a surprise! LOL
I was asked to develop a 90-minute card class for about 70 math and science educators!
Yes, I said 70! Eek!
Following the initial excitement of the prospect, I'll admit I did freak out a teeny-tiny bit. Fortunately, I was able to get a jump start on everything during my winter break since I'm so busy once school starts. I started with the premise that no one had any paper crafting experience, so the cards had to really straight forward in their design. I could expect people to make about 4 cards in the 90-minute time frame - but with so many attendees, I'd need two kits for each card to accommodate everyone. (Enter Jenn Shurkus of Colorful Creations in Cape Cod, MA to the rescue!!! Jenn saved the day by loaning me an extra set of stamps! Jenn - you are a goddess!)
The next challenge was all the prep - the hours and hours of prep! LOL I was so lucky to get help from my hubby (the punch master) who makes punching 70 pieces of paper seem effortless, and my friend and fellow K12 Alliance peep, Susan for helping me cut paper.
The next challenge would be the ability to help everyone who needed it. I made photographic directions for how to assemble the cards - you know, "scaffolding" - teacher lingo :) I also expected that many people would need one-on-one assistance. Enter the Paper Ho team!

Both Susan and Laura were generous enough to lend a helping hand. These ladies are not only my professional mentors, but wonderful friends with crafty experience under their belts. Perfect!
The end result was a really fun time! I imagine it helped that everyone *needed* some time to play, be creative, and just laugh. It also probably helped a lot that wine was served with dinner and somehow, most of those wine glasses followed several people back to the room.

I think this was their first time handling such a large stamp! (you did fabulous ladies!)

I love how he raised his glass and card for the camera! LOL

A Paper Ho in action!

Touching a Copic for the first time *ooooohhhh!!!!*
I loved the creative *twist* so many put on their cards :) I have a feeling some spouses will be getting some fun valentines. I can't share all of them with you though, we had some creative guys in the audience, LOL
Everyone was completely fabulous and had a great time!
I want to express my gratitude to this fantastic group of educators who are a true inspiration, working tirelessly to transform math and science education in California. It was a joy being able to give my time to bring them a little, much needed, play time!
I'll share close-up photos of the *teacher* cards made in the class in my next post - stay tuned!
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