What a great week I've had! The hubby and I have managed to sneak away for a little road trip (and our first vacation in... well... we can't remember!!!) We decided we *needed* to do something fun this summer and, so, road trip it is. We hunkered down at my parent's place in Oregon and managed to convince my parents that it was a great idea to do a Volcano Day (because, really, who doesn't LOVE a volcano???) We trekked on over to Mt. St. Helens - a HUGE BUCKET LIST item for me.
There is no question, this was a spiritual place for me. I vividly remember this eruption as a child and am in complete awe of the forces at play here. I am in love... Maybe next time I can convince the hubs to do the helicopter tour...
We all loved it so much we decided, quite on the '"fly", to make our way over to Mt. Rainier - another beauty, and perhaps the most potentially destructive, in the Cascade Range...
But, I digress, and know you have come for the cards. I am sad that we are leaving in the morning. It's getting harder and harder each time to say goodbye to my parents. It's also hard to say goodbye to my nieces, the Chiquitas. It's astonishing how much OLDER they are from the last time I saw them. But I made sure we got in a little crafty time... and fireworks watching from the craftroom windows...
(Can you *believe* how BIG they are now???? Gah!!!!) And to officially say goodbye... I leave each a special card at their spot on the craft table, to discover the next time they come to "grandma's" to craft. I think they will love these cards...
They are just now *intrigued* by washi tape, so I wanted to use it two different ways - to inspire them :)
Goodbye volcano's, Mom and Dad, and goodbye Chiquitas... Until we meet again...
Woohoo! I'm so excited to have a litle extra time this week. The school I teach as has 3 furlough days sandwiched among the President's holidays, giving me much needed time to get ahead on a lot of work. It's also giving me the chance to wake up when my body is ready (rather than the usual yucky 5:20am) and wander around my neighborhood a bit.
I found this little guy hard at work yesterday
and while on my porch planting some flowers, I also found this little girl hard at work - you'd think she'd have the courtesy to at least clean up after herself!
This week's Trigger is based off this sweet little decoration
There's a LOT going on in this image, and I was most inspired by all of the colors and patterns. After trying a few things (like building an elaborate house, what was I thinking?) I figured simplifying was better.
I like the combination of the papers, the little red button, and the cute bird...
Hopefully all of you out in the blogosphere get a little crafty time this week (anyone can participate in the challenge) and have a happy week!
Happy Monday everyone! I have a cute little card to share with you today, perfect for anyone you are wild about.
I had a lot of fun yesterday having a crafty day with some friends including a couple new ones, and this was one of the cards we made. I certainly need to put the pause button on life and do that more often! :)
I was, of course, anticipating this card would be a fun non-red/pink valentintes card, but it certainly would work at any time of year. Isn't that monkey adorable?
We were, of course, practicing our mad-Copic skills! Along with cutting skills... he was a tricky one but I think he's super cute swinging down on that branch.
a•muse|studio is gearing up for their new 2012 catalogue (debuting soon!) and this adorable set (called, "The Mighty Jungle") didn't make the cut. So if you are interested in it and others that are officially retiring, shoot me an email and I can give you the 411.
Happy birthday to my super-cute Little Chiquita
There's WAY more on this card than I'm used to, but I figured she would love all the colors and bling and *things*. :) I have it on good authority she loves the flower ribbon and furry things.
I figured she wouldn't be able to resist this little dude!
All products by a•muse|studio
I had the pleasure of carrying on a tradition in my family - my Aunt taught me how to stamp (love you Annie!) and a couple years ago I was able to teach my nieces :) Now, since they are *almost* grown up, I taught my Mom (who bravely jumped in) how to stamp too so they could all do it together. Turns out this is a pretty great creative outlet for all of them and ended up being a fantastic way for Little Chiquita to surpass all of her fellow kindergarteners in fine motor skills and for Big Chiquita to wow her friends with her phenomenal creativity!
They were super excited to make cards for my blog and it's very important to note that everyone designed her own card with NO HELP! I hope that you'll enjoy them as much as I do! :)
From Little Chiquita (age 6)
I like making cards. My favorite Aunt Jill taught me how to make cards. She asked me to make a card for her blog. And I love puppy dogs.
From Mom (ageless)
When Jill asked if I would make a card for her blog I wasn't sure i was up to the challenge. I am fairly new to card making, but since Jill is responsible for everything I know about this craft, I knew I had to try. I wanted to make a card that spoke about the accomplishments she has achieved and what a wonderful woman she has become. As her mother, I know how hard she worked to get where she is. She has let her dreams take flight. Her father and I are very proud of her. ...awww, thanks Mom :)
From Big Chiquita (age 11)
I would like to say congrats to my dear Aunt Jill for getting her masters. And also, I wanted to help her by putting a card on the blog since she didn't have much time to do one herself. So the card I decided to make is a simplistic card to show you all. "You are now the master", said my friend the Owl, "we knew *hoo* can do it!"
Wow girls! I love these cards almost as much as I love you :) Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful creations and for being such a big help to me! I'm so lucky you are my family and my crafty girls! XOXO
Hello blog friends! I have loads of cards to share today, but they come with a purpose and a chance to win some a•muse|studio goodness! :)
I'd like to introduce you to Joshua...
A good friend of mine recently shared Joshua's story with me. Joshua is the awesome nephew of a good friend of his. His story truly resonated with me.
Joshua is 10-years old and lives in Puerto Rico. Only a little younger than the kids I teach every day, so maybe that's why I paid attention. Or maybe it is his HUGE smile with those dimples!!!
Or, maybe it was his heartbreaking description of his last chemo treatment, "Joshua said that he felt like he was burning inside"
And the realization that he is half the size of his twin brother. I just want to sweep up this little guy and make everything better. If I saw one of my students go through this, I would be utterly heart broken.
Joshua's family describes him as a little warrior. His story can be found here. It is both uplifting and humbling.
So it is with a big heart that I ask you to help Joshua in some way if you can. I plan on making him a special card and ask you to do the same if you can. I'm sure something happy is just the medicine he needs. I'm told he is particularly fond of cars, especially "tricked out sports cars" and loves police officers (since his father is one). What boy doesn't? LOL
So - I'll make this worth your while! Make a card for Joshua and send it to me (just send me an email [email protected] for my addy) by June 1st and I'll enter you in a contest to win one free a•muse|Studio Stamp set (any set your heart desires). I'll also enter your name in my contest If you post this card challenge on your blog and/or facebook page (leave a link in the comment section of this blog post). In fact, if you do all 3 I'll enter your name 3 times! Let's see if we can't send this warrior lots of love! I'll randomly select the winner on June 2nd.
So thank you for opening up your hearts to Joshua :) Here are some of my favorite cards I have made that I think might do the trick to cheer him up. I'll be making him a special one this weekend. Please send him some love :)
Hope this offered you some inspiration!
If you are in a position to make a donation to help with his medical expenses, the family has set up a special bank account.
Comité Pro-Fondos Joshua Rodríguez Hernández
PO Box 1586
Aguadilla, PR 00605
Or, donate directly to the bank at:
Banco Popular (1-888-724-3650)
Account #050-29870
It's really astonishing to think about how many people in my life right now are immersed in baby land. Whether pregnant or just given birth, I'm sorta feeling like babies are taking over the world at the moment. It's funny how life happens in waves like that.
So, that brings me to baby card #2. I liked the general concept of this card I did, so I went with that as a starting place and just changed the colors and stamps. I did peek at photos the Mom had posted of the nursery to try and compliment that. I guess that's my strategy for the baby card - go with something the Mom likes.
I still think it needs a nice martini glass... the Mom would also like that, right? :)
Can I just tell you, I *love* spring break! I'm still getting some work done, but I'm enjoying the change of scenery, sleeping in, and getting things done on my timeline. I got a little thesis work done today, helped a friend, and ran some errands during the light of day. In fact, I was actually able to complete a challenge in record time for me. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..... I could get used to this! I wonder if they would miss me at work next week? ;)
So, I have a totally stinkin' girlie card for you today. Loads of girlie colors, flowers, ribbon, buttons and ruffles! I made this card with the daughter of a very special friend in mind. She's now a big sister, and I thought this would be a sweet card to send to her.
I couldn't wait to use my new *Clever GIrls* stamp set by a•muse|studio on this card - it's such a fun set. I also had fun picking the fun color palate and making the flamenco-esque ruffles inspired by this gorgeous Japanese flower scarf. I love the curvy edges! This image is serving as this week's Tuesday Trigger posted by Moxie Fab World. Anyone can play along!
Here's to finding inspiration and having a little time to breathe!
all the pretty stamps, ribbons, buttons, papers, and inks your heart desires!
It could all be YOURS!!!
Click here and get ready to play! :)
It's super simple, just click "Shop Online".
I recommend having someone nearby to catch you if you faint!
Oh, and maybe throw a warning at your credit card company, just in case ;)
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